Here is a shout out to all the friends I met on Saturday at the Rahway Library. All I can say is WOW! I had so much fun reciting poetry with you. Sandy Carson, who works at the library, invited me to speak as a compliment to her class, “Cooks and Books.” Well, we had a blast. There was a nice crowd, and both the kids and the parents were so into it, shouting the word zucchini at the top of their lungs and then whispering the word very softly. I recited lots of poems from my book Poems on Fruits and Odes to Veggies. Gang, visit the link called “My Poetry Books” on this site, scroll to the bottom, and let me know if you would be interested in owning this book. If so, I will let you know when it becomes available. So, we tasted food, and learned about jicima and parsnips to name a few. Here are some pictures from our fine event.
Finally, the children used a process called brainstorming to write a poem of their own. It is wonderful. Read it and enjoy!
I am Nine and That is Fine
by, My friends at the Rahway Library
Apples are red and yummy to eat
Eggplant, papaya are really sweet
Trucks are big and Mississippi too
My puppy is big, how about you?
Bananas are yellow and yummy to eat
but first you pull off the skin
Chocolate is brown and so are you
My eyes are brown too
Pears are yummy and good to eat
I ate broccoli, what a treat!
My puppy ate the birthday cake
When I was only nine
My puppy rolled in his bowl
And fell on my fine wine
I am nine and that is fine!